The Story of Saint Whitley
William was a skinny asian guy who got popped one too many times for drunk driving, the last time causing bodily harm, and damage to private property. This lapse of judgment landed him in county, for thirty months. Beyond the repeat drunk driving offenses Wills record was fairly clean. No one saw him off to jail, but that was to be expected, Will didn’t have too many friends, and all of his family lived out of state. They were, for the most part, estranged and hadn’t really talked for years. At 19 Will hadn’t had many girlfriends, for someone his age. He didn’t have much of a life, really. His job at the grocery store paid just enough to keep his crappy apartment, and pay his bills, but not much else. Will found himself sitting on the bottom bunk of his new home, with his new cell mate, “Keys”. Keys real name was Micha Ward, but everyone called him Keys, for some unknown reason. Keys seemed nice, but Will couldn’t really be sure. He had been in jail before, but only to sober...