Summer Solstice (June 20th to the 21st Northern Hemisphere, December 20th to 21st Southern Hemisphere)
Winter Solstice (December 21st to the 22nd Northern Hemisphere, June 21st to the 22nd)
Autumnal Equinox (September 22nd to the 23rd Northern Hemisphere, March 22nd to the 23rd Southern Hemisphere)
Spring Equinox (March 20th to the 21st Northern Hemisphere, September 20th to the 21st Southern Hemisphere)
Feast of Saint Stephanie patron saint of sluts, shepherd of split souls. Carnal desire, earthly delights, knowledge through excess.
Saint Whitley’s Day, patron saint and mother of whores, shepherd of receptive souls. Earthly success, good fortune and wealth
Saint Lola’s Day, patron saint and mother of lovers, care taker of all souls, transitions, and growth. Earthly love, emotional growth, spiritual fulfillment.
Saint Virginia’s Day, patron saint and mother of all holy vessels. Earthly fecundity, pregnancy, male fertility, balance.
Saint Petrine’s Day, patron saint of penetrative souls. Earthly inspiration, revelation, potential and divine seed.
Virgam Dei (December 31st to January 1st) Cock, our God, ejaculates thereby forming the cosmos, and everything in it.
I'd love to feel her cum in me I must have it soon plz.