Coles Cibum (Penis Food)

Coles Cibum is the blessed diet of syssticism. Coles Cibum, like other religious diets, is designed for optimum physical, and spiritual health. This is especially important since a healthy boipussy is necessary for proper communion, and pleasure. 

The diet closely resembles the Mediterranean Diet, but also includes daily servings of cum.  

It’s history can be traced back to pre-Christian times, and was the staple diet of ancient priestesses. 

The diet consists, largely, of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains; comprising roughly 50% of your diet. So, we should be eating five or more servings of fruits, and veggies a day. 

Plant based oils should be consumed with every meal. Nuts, and legumes should be eaten one to three times a day. Fish, eggs, and poultry can be eaten once or twice a day. Dairy may be eaten once or twice a day. 

White bread, white rice, white pasta, potatoes, sodas, and sweets should be consumed once or twice a week. 

Red meat and butter may be consumed once or twice a week, as well. 

Unadulterated water should be the primary beverage, drinking at least four eight ounce glasses on a non-active day. 

Beer, cider, mead, and wine may be enjoyed daily, in moderation, and hard liquor should be reserved for once a week activities. Tea and coffee may be enjoyed daily, but also in moderation. 

Holidays and special occasions are exempt from dietary restrictions.  

Cock is my God, cum is my Salvation


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